around the festival vending machine would have been display for people to enjoy a beer whiteout having to wait to long at a bar.
Vending machine are very popular in Japan, especially vending machine for drinks.
Door of the Izakaya bar, we went for a mat glass door so you would be able to know if the bar was in use or free to go.
mini bar called Izakaya, where a couple of people would have been able to enjoy an Asahi beer and some food.
a second version of the Izakaya.
Poster done for the event
Poster done for the event second version
Designs I created while working on the Asahi project.
The project was to create pop-up bars in different cities in the UK
People would have been able to enjoy Asahi beer coupled with Sushi and Tempura,
they would have been able to play games and win prizes around the theme of Japan and Asahi.
The project was sadly canceled for reason I'm not aware of, hopefully, one day the project might surface again.